Official recording of stillbirths
General information
If a child is born dead, this is recorded in the register of deaths. As a general rule, the notification is sent to the registry office automatically by the hospital. If requested, the registry office will issue a corresponding document. Proof is required for submission to the employer and to the social security institution.
The notification must be made within one week.
Competent authority
The registry office where the stillbirth occurred:
- The Registry Office or Registry Office AssociationGerman text for the municipality
- In Chartered Cities: the Registry OfficeGerman text of the municipal executive
- In Vienna: the Registry Offices in ViennaGerman text in whose area (district) the stillbirth took place
The following persons must carry out the notification, in the following order of precedence:
- The director of the hospital in which the child was born
- The doctor or midwife who was present at the birth
- The father or mother or other parent, if they are able to do so within the notification period of one week (e.g. in the case of home births)
- The authority or police department conducting investigations into the birth
- Other persons who have knowledge of the birth based on their own observation
Some registry offices and hospitals cooperate with one another, so that the hospitals concerned send the registry office the documents required together with the ‘Notification of stillbirth’ (Anzeige der Totgeburt) form. Please enquire at your hospital or at the competent registry office.
In the case of home births the birth or death of a child may only be registered if a confirmation of birth/medical confirmation of death issued by a doctor or midwife is available or the birth or death is not doubtful due to other circumstances. The doctor or the midwife must hand the confirmation to the parents. If they are not known to the doctor or the midwife, they must send the confirmation directly to the authority responsible for civil status.
Documents required
- If the birth is notified by the hospital: No documents required
- If the birth is notified independently: Completed form: ‘Notification of stillbirth’
Giving first names
The names of the child given by the parents are entered in the documents.
- Notification: free of charge
- Certification: free of charge
- Document: free of charge
- After two years: EUR 9.30
There are no fees for the first issue, provided that these documents are issued within two years of the stillbirth of the child. There are generally costs for sending the certificate. Please enquire at the competent registry office.
Further links
Legal basis
- Personenstandsgesetz (PStG)
- Personenstandsgesetz-Durchführungsverordnung (PStG-DV)
- Gebührengesetz (GebG)
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior