Issuance of a European Health Insurance Card

General information

If you receive treatment in another EU country, showing a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can make payment and subsequent reimbursement of treatment costs easier.

The EHIC is a free card affixed to the back of the e-card and replaces the E-111 care voucher for temporary stays (e.g. vacation trips) in EU member states, in EEA states, Switzerland, northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EHIC must be presented to the social insurance institution considered for the stay and exchanged for a valid entitlement certificate.

The European Health Insurance card makes it possible to receive healthcare under the same conditions as citizens in the respective country, and to apply for reimbursement of treatment costs.

If the EHIC cannot be activated due to a lack of previous insurance periods – in such a case, there are asterisks in the text fields on the back of the e-card – a provisional replacement certificate for the health insurance card is issued by the competent insurance carrier, which serves as proof of the existence of health insurance coverage in Austria.

Since the EHIC is initially only optically readable abroad, its period of validity is limited and depends, among other things, on the previous insurance periods that exist on the date of issue.

When the validity period of the EHIC expires, a new e-card is automatically issued by the competent insurance institution.


EU citizens must contact the competent health insurer in their home country to be issued the European Health Insurance Card.


Persons who receive medical treatment in another EU country during a temporary stay


(Co-)insurance in Austria   


The expiration date of the card will depend on the duration of the insurance period.
As soon as the expiration date passes, a new card will be sent provided that valid insurance is in place.

Competent authority

The applicable statutory health insurance carrier    (→ SV)German text


The European Health Insurance Card is issued by the competent health insurance carrier.

It is displayed on the reverse side of the e-card. If the data fields on the e-card are populated with stars, this is not considered proof of entitlement. In this case, replacement certification must be applied for from the appropriate health insurance carrier before the travel date. This can be obtained by calling customer service at the statutory health insurance carrier (→ SV)German text

Required documents

No documents are required.

Costs and fees

There are no charges payable.
There are also no fees payable for the issuance of replacement certification.

Further information

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 16 May 2024

Responsible for the content: Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions