Information for Ukrainian citizens

Numerous people have have been displaced from Ukraine due to the armed conflicts, some of them also seek protection in Austria. These people need initial information, contact options and support services.
→ FAQs for displaced persons from Ukraine are answered o the website the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BFA).

Entry and residence

Temporary right of residence in Austria

Displaced persons from Ukraine have a temporary right of residence in Austria. This right of residence is currently valid at least until March 4, 2025. This right of residence exists from the time they enter Austria. Further information on the requirements can be found under registration and residency information and answers to other questions on the Website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI).

The BFA issues an ID card for displaced persons which documents this right of residence. For this purpose they should register at the registration offices of the police (at police stations or in special reception or registration centers). With this temporary right of residence in Austria it is not necessary to apply for asylum. Information on the temporary right of residence for displaced persons from Ukraine can be found on the website of the BFA.

Temporary protection also ensures access to labor market, education and medical care.


For people from Ukraine who are looking for protection in Austria the Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services (BBU) has set up a hotline: +43 1 2676 870 9460. Further information for people from Ukraine who are looking for protection  Austria (→ BBU) can be found online.

The BBU coordinates and provides basic care for foreigners in need of assistance and protection. This includes accommodation, food, social, medical and psychological care as well as the provision of goods for daily needs such as clothing.

If accommodation with relatives is not possible and financial resources are not available, temporary accommodation will be provided in a neighborhood assistance quarter of the federal government or a federal state.

Further information on counseling and support for asylum seekers, recognized refugees as well as migrants can also be found on

Medical care

In addition to a residence card, displaced persons from Ukraine receive a social insurance number and an e-card replacement slip. Insurance numbers are initiated via the registration of Ukrainian displaced persons and are not issued via the customer service points of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (→ ÖGK)German text. Further information on health insurance (→ ÖGK)German text and physician search (→ Österreichische Ärztekammer)German text can be found on their respective websites.

Work and job search

The Austrian Public Employment Service (→ AMS) has more information on employment in Austria. Further information on job exchanges and vacancies and types of childcare can also be found on 


A regulation is expected to come into force on 1 October 2024 that will enable displaced persons from Ukraine who have the right of residence for displaced persons ("Blue Card") to switch to a "Red-White-Red Card plus" residence permit. You can find more information on this under information on switching to a Red-White- Red Card Plus (→ BMI) and "Red-White-Red-CardKarte plus" for displaced persons from Ukraine(→ City of Vienna).


Information on free online German courses and learning materials can be found on the Sprachportal (→ ÖIF).

How the Austrian education system is structured and what opportunities it offers are shown in a Ukrainian-language leaflet (→ OeAD). English language information about school can also be found on the BMBWF Website.

In addition to - hotline (school: psychological counseling for students, teachers and guardians) social work counseling for students is offered in Ukrainian and Russian at 0664/883 80 377.

Answers to questions regarding the equivalence of foreign vocational training with the Austrian apprenticeship-leave exam or assessment to determine professional equivalenceGerman text can be found on the website of the BMDW. Within the framework of the recognition of foreign professional qualifications, there is the possibility of a facilitated procedure for the assessment of qualifications.

The Austrian National Union of Students (→ Ukraineinfo) offers for all students affected by the war in Ukraine counseling in Ukrainian and Russian:

An overview of all universities and universities of applied sciences in Austria can also be found at

Further information on schools and universities, support services, recognition options for degrees and contact options (including, in particular, contact persons in the individual education directorates for families with school-age children) can be found on the BMBWF website:

Family allowance

The entitlement to family allowance for persons expelled from Ukraine exists at the earliest from March 2022 and ends on the day of termination of the temporary right of residence, but no later than March 2025. The application for the granting of family allowance must be submitted to the Tax Authority Austria. An application can be made using the form Familienbeihilfe – Antrag – Beih100 or via FinanzOnline, but not via e-mail. Further information on family allowance for displaced persons from UkraineGerman text can be found on the website of the Federal Chancellery. General information on family allowance in Austria can also be found on

Ukraine information of the federal provinces

Information partly in German, English and Ukrainian on arrival centers, registration, accommodation, counseling, etc.

Further information and support services

Not certified translation
Last update: 30 September 2024

Responsible for the content: Editorial Staff