Change of name: Social security
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General information
Generally, the Registrar’s Office [Standesamt] must notify the social insurance in the event of name changes.
If the Registrar’s Office does not notify the social insurance, the competent health insurance carrier must be informed about a change of name.
This insurance carrier will at that point inform any other competent accident and pension insurance carriers itself.
Once the name change has been received by the social insurance, you will automatically be issued a new e-card with your new name to replace the old e-card. This will not change the insurance cover.
If you are currently in gainful employment, your employer will submit the change of address notification. If you are in receipt of benefits from the unemployment insurance (e.g. unemployment allowance, emergency assistance, part-time allowance for elderly workers), the notification will be submitted by the Austrian Public Employment Service (→ AMS)German text. As such, it is primarily farmers and the self-employed who must ensure they submit this notification themselves.
Persons who change their name
The deadlines vary depending on the social insurance carrier and the type of insurance relationship.
Competent authority
The competent health insurance carrier:
- Austrian Health Insurance Fund (→ ÖGK)German text
- Insurance Institution for Public Sector Employees and Rail and Mine Workers (→ BVAEB)German text
- Social Security Institution for the Self-Employed (→ SVS)German text
You can provide notification of the change in writing (e.g. by email) or in person.
Required documents
Appropriate proofs (e.g. marriage certificate, divorce decree, diploma)
Costs and fees
There are no fees payable for notifying the health insurance fund of the change of name.
Legal basis
- sections 34, 43 and 360 paragraph 5 of the Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz (ASVG)
- Gewerbliches Sozialversicherungsgesetz (GSVG)
- Bauern-Sozialversicherungsgesetz (BSVG)
- Beamten-Kranken- und Unfallversicherungsgesetz (B-KUVG)
Assistance and problem-solving services
Social Security Ombudsman
Responsible for the content: Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions