Change of name: pension insurance institution

General information

You should inform the pension insurance institution from which you receive your pension immediately of any change of name.


Individuals who receive a pension and change their name


  • Receiving a pension
  • Change of name


Within two weeks of the change of name

Competent authority

The competent pension insurance institution:


Notification of the new name is generally provided in an informal manner. You can provide notification of the change in writing, in person, by e-mail or by telephone.

If you provide notification of your change of name by telephone, you should ensure that you obtain the name of the person dealing with this matter so that it is possible to confirm afterwards that you have reported your change of name properly.


Your pension insurance institution will check carefully whether your change of name or the change of your marital status (e.g. as a result of marriage or divorce) will affect the pension you are receiving and inform you directly about this.

Required documents

Supporting documentation (e.g. marriage certificate or administrative ruling)

Costs and fees

There are no fees payable for notifying the pension insurance institution of the change of name.

Further information

Not applicable

Legal basis

The pension insurance act that applies to your competent pension insurance institution (e.g. ASVG, GSVG, BSVG)

Expert information

There is no expert information available.

Link to form

There is no form available.

Authentication and signature

Not applicable

Means of redress or appeal

Not applicable

Assistance and problem-solving services

There are no assistance or problem-solving services.

Further service points:
Ombudsman services for insurance institutions

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 12 July 2024

Responsible for the content: Editorial Staff