Change of name: health insurance provider

General information

Under certain circumstances, you may have to inform your health insurance provider of a change of name. In most cases, changes of name are notified by your employer or the Public Employment Service.


If you are currently in gainful employment, your employer will submit the change of name notification. If you are receiving benefits from the Public Employment Service (unemployment allowance, emergency assistance etc.), the notification will be made by the Public Employment Service. As such, it is primarily farmers and the self-employed who must ensure they submit this notification themselves.


Not applicable


Not applicable

Competent authority

Usually, the responsible health insurance provider must be informed of any change of name:


Not applicable

Required documents

Not applicable

Costs and fees

There are no charges payable.

Further information

Further links
Public Employment Service (→ AMS)German text

Legal basis

Not applicable

Expert information

There is no expert information available.

Link to form

There is no form available.

Authentication and signature

Not applicable

Means of redress or appeal

Not applicable

Assistance and problem-solving services

There are no assistance or problem-solving services.

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 18 July 2024

Responsible for the content: Editorial Staff