Vehicle registration
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General information
Vehicle registration is the registration of a motor vehicle or trailer with a government authority. Vehicles may not be used on public roads until they have been registered.
Vehicle registration chip card
Instead of the standard paper version of Part I of the registration certificate, it is possible to opt for a chip card version (referred to as a 'Scheckkartenzulassungsschein'). Part II of the registration certificate remains a paper document, and is joined with the proof of approval as usual. Chip cards can be applied for in the same way as paper registration certificates. The registration chip card will be sent to the registration address by standard post within two weeks.
Upon application, a temporary paper registration certificate (Part I) is issued so that the vehicle can be used straight away. This temporary certificate expires when the chip card has been posted, or after eight weeks at the latest.
It is possible to switch from a paper registration certificate to a chip card at any time. To do so, you must submit your old registration certificate (Part I) to the registration office in return for a temporary paper copy, as described above. The registration chip card will be sent to the registration address by standard post within two weeks. The temporary paper certificate expires when the chip card has been posted, or after eight weeks at the latest.
A vehicle registration chip card costs 29.50 Euro.
Requesting a second vehicle registration chip card also costs 29.50 Euro.
In general, these rules also apply to EU citizens in Austria.
Vehicle owner
In order for a vehicle to be registered with an insurance company registration office, it must be covered by third-party liability insurance that is valid in Austria.
The insurance must be purchased from an insurance company that is entitled to provide third-party liability insurance services in Austria. If the insurance policy is taken out with an insurance company that does not have a registration office in the district in which the applicant is resident or the applicant company is established, registration must be performed by the registration office of another insurer.
There are no specific deadlines to observe.
Competent authority
A registration office (→ VVO) in the district that is the main place of residence of the applicant or the place of establishment of the applicant company, and that is authorised to provide registration services for the district in question.
With regard to the competent authority, individual entrepreneurs can choose between their main residence and the registered office of their company.
The necessary documentation must be submitted to a registration office. This office enters the data without the need for the applicant to fill out a form. All they need to do is sign the application. A vehicle can also be registered by a third party holding a written proxy.
Alternatively, a pre-registration procedure for vehicle registration can also be carried out.
Upon registration of a vehicle, the registration office issues a registration certificate. Authorities and regional test centres may also issue registration certificates in certain cases.
Upon request, the registration office can issue two identical copies of the registration certificate. This is noted on the duplicate copy. In the case of registration chip cards, the text ‘Duplicate Card’ (‘Zweitkarte’) is inscribed in a clearly visible location on the card.
The applicant also receives a vehicle approval document. This consists of Part II of the registration certificate and the proof of approval provided. The registration office joins the two documents. If the vehicle is re-registered, this vehicle approval document must be provided.
Once the fees have been paid, the applicant receives their number plates and inspection sticker (‘Pickerl’) directly from the registration office.
It is also possible for several individuals to jointly register a vehicle (‘joint ownership registration’). Each of these individuals must provide evidence of their legal ownership of the vehicle upon registration. This can take the form of a surrender of use declaration, for example.
Required documents
- Official photo ID of the applicant
- As proof of main residence (for private individuals):
- Central population register search performed by the registration office (costs charged to the applicant)
- Insurance confirmation
- Proof of approval or approval document:
- Upon initial registration:
- Type-approval certificate
- Single approval
- Proof of registration
- Valid certificate of conformity, or
- Data extract from the approval database for vehicles with EC type-approval
- Upon re-registration:
- The vehicle approval document created during last registration
- In addition, for vehicles that are already registered in another Member State, both parts of the registration certificate (where available)
- Upon initial registration:
- When using a proxy: proxy form, if the applicant is not registering the vehicle in person (e.g. it is being done by an insurance broker)
- Individuals under the age of 18, additionally:
- Authorisation from legal guardian (indicating vehicle data)
- Original copy of the legal guardian’s confirmation of personal registration
- Copy of the official photo ID of the legal guardian
- Legal authorisation of guardianship
- Legal authorisation of guardianship need not be provided for:
- Applicants over the age of 15: for registration of motorcycles, light quadricycles and disability scooters
- Applicants over the age of 16: for registration of tractors, motorised carts, self-propelled machinery (all with a maximum design speed of no more than 50 km/h), industrial trucks, single-axle tractors, special vehicles
- Applicants over the age of 17: registration of vehicles in classes M1, N1 (i.e. passenger cars weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, estate cars and small lorries weighing up to 3.5 tonnes)
- Applicants under the age of 18 with disabilities, in general
- Legal authorisation of guardianship need not be provided for:
- When registering a new vehicle, additionally:
- Entry of the owner in the type-approval certificate, or
- Purchase contract, invoice or proof of sale, provided that this indicates the name of the buyer
- When registering a used car, additionally:
- Valid, positive inspection report for vehicles subject to regular inspection (‘Pickerl’ inspection), if one regular inspection has already become due and the inspection report has not yet been saved in the inspection sticker database
- Personal declaration by the previous owner submitted to the registration office
- Purchase contract, invoice or proof of sale, provided that this indicates the name of the buyer, or
- Where applicable, donation agreement, court judgement, court order, devolution decision, declaration of consent of the individual appointed to manage an estate, award of sale by auction, transfer agreement, surrender of use declaration
- In the event of leasing, additionally:
- Confirmation of leasing
- For company vehicles, additionally:
- Confirmation from the relevant chamber or concession decree as evidence of the company location (for self-employed persons)
- Extract from the commercial register or business licence as evidence of the place of establishment of the company (for legal entities)
- Up-to-date extract from the register of associations or search in the central database (for associations)
- In the event of own import, additionally:
- Please be aware that the data must be entered in the approval database
- Proof of payment of the NoVA tax (tax office)
- Customs declaration, where applicable
- In the event of doubt as to the authenticity of the signatures, additionally:
- Attestation or
- Confirmation from the authorities, the → ÖAMTCGerman text or → ARBÖGerman text or
- Sales stamp of a vehicle dealer
Costs and fees
- Fee charged by the authorities: 119.80 Euro
- Administration fee: 60.80 Euro
- Search in central population register: 1.10 Euro
- Approval sticker: 2.30 Euro
- Number plates (if the applicant is keeping their number plates, this amount will not be charged):
- Passenger cars and HGVs: 23 Euro
- Motorcycles: 13 Euro
- Mopeds: 8.50 Euro
- Trailers: 11.50 Euro
- Tractors: 11.50 Euro
- If applying for a registration chip card: 29.50 Euro
Further information
An EU Directive was adopted to harmonise vehicle registration documents in EU Member States in terms of their layout and content. This ensures that registration documents issued in one Member State can be more easily understood in another, and are therefore recognised everywhere.
For vehicles originally registered in another EU Member State, the same registration requirements (e.g. vehicle owner's main residence in Austria) apply as for vehicles most recently registered in Austria.
In order to register a company car in Austria, companies from otherEU Member States must also have a registered office or an operation facility in Austria (alternatively a main residence in Austria in the case of individual entrepreneurs).
For more information about how long Driving with foreign number plates is permitted in Austria please visit
Further links
- Vehicle registration certificate – change of name/address (e.g. when moving house)
- Registration chip card (→ Austrian State Printing House)German text
- Vehicle data online search (→ Austrian State Printing House)German text
- Austrian Association of Insurers (→ VVO) German text
- Car insurance validity in the EU (→ Your Europe)
Legal basis
- Kraftfahrgesetz (KFG)
- Zulassungsstellenverordnung (ZustV)
Expert information
There is no expert information available.
Link to form
For a vehicle registration no forms need to be filled out beforehand. However, it is possible to make an electronic pre-registration.
Prior notification for vehicle registration
You can use this online procedure to digitally register your vehicle in Austria from other EU countries.
Please note that your vehicle must already be registered in the Austrian approval database (Genehmigungsdatenbank); otherwise, a self-import procedure must be carried out beforehand.
Adding a new prior notification
Authentication and signature
Electronically: Registration for the online service "prior notification for vehicle registration" with ID Austria or EU-Login
In person by a fully authorised representative: Further information can be found under procedure / what you need to do or documents required also at
Means of redress or appeal
If the application cannot be granted in full, the registration body is to refrain from any further activity and submit the application together with enclosures and sufficient justification to the authority without delay.
An appeal can be filed with the relevant state administrative court against the authority’s notification that it has rejected the application for vehicle registration. This must be submitted within four weeks to the authority which issued the decision.
Assistance and problem-solving services
There are no assistance or problem-solving services.
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology