Vehicle inspections (‘Pickerl’ inspection stickers)

General information


In general, these rules also apply to EU citizens with a vehicle registered in Austria.

Vehicles and their trailers must be regularly inspected for roadworthiness and operational safety. These inspections are known as ‘Section 57a inspections’.

The following vehicles are exempt from regular inspections:

  • trailers that may not exceed 25 km/h;
  • tractors with a maximum design speed of no more than 25 km/h;
  • self-propelled machinery and transport carts with a maximum design speed of no more than 30 km/h;
  • motorised carts with a maximum design speed of no more than 25 km/h.



With effect from March 1, 2020 for new mopeds, motorcycles (and other vehicles of the Class L ) the annual assessment interval will no longer apply, but the same interval for the "Pickerl" as for passenger cars (so-called "3-2-1 rule"). This new regulation also affects vehicles registered for the first time before 1 March 2020. If a longer period applies for such a 'Pickerl' than is shown on the 'Pickerl' after the perforation, the registration holder can request a 'Pickerl' with the period of validity according to the new regulation from the registration office (but not from § 57a inspection centres).

Point Inspection Type of vehichle Period of tolerance

The ‘3-2-1 rule’:

  • Three years after the first inspection
  • Two years after the first inspection
  • One year after the second inspection and after every further inspection
  • Class L vehicles, e.g. (small) two-wheeled motor vehicles (mopeds, motorcycles, etc..) 
  • Class M1 vehicles (passenger cars), with the exception of taxis, emergency vehicles and ambulances
  • Tractors and motorised carts with a maximum design speed of more than 25 km/h, but less than 40 km/h
  • Self-propelled machinery and transport carts with a maximum design speed of more than 30 km/h, but less than 40 km/h
  • Trailers that may exceed 25 km/h and:
    • have a maximum gross vehicle weight of no more than 3 500 kg;
    • are agricultural trailers that may exceed 40 km/h
one month before and 4 months after the month in which the inspection is due
  • three years after first registration
  • two years after the first inspection
  • two years after the second inspection and after every further inspection
Agricultural trailers that may exceed 25 km/h, but may not exceed 40 km/h
3 Every two years Historical vehicles
4 Annually All other vehicles (e.g. HGVs with a maximum gross vehicle weight of above or below 3.5 tonnes, taxis, emergency vehicles and ambulances, buses and others) 3 months before the month in which the inspection is due

The inspection date for the Section 57a inspection is determined based on the month in which the vehicle was first registred. The month in which the inspection is due is punched into the inspection sticker (the month of first registration). The inspection may also, without affecting the due date for the next inspection, be carried out: in the period from the start of the calendar month preceding the designated inspection month until the end of the fourth month following that month for vehicles under points 1 to 4; within a period of 3 months before the designated inspection month for vehicles under point 5 (‘grace period’).

Upon request, the due date of the inspection can be set on a day that is not the day of first registration. This must be requested from the registration authoritiesGerman Text, namely:

  • the district authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft);
  • the municipal executive (Magistrat);
  • the Transport Agency (Verkehrsamt) in Vienna.

The necessary application forms are available from the abovementioned bodies. There is not currently an online form for inspection date change requests.


Trips abroad should only be made whilst the inspection sticker, known as a ‘Pickerl’, is still valid (i.e. before the end of the month punched into the ‘Pickerl’), as the grace period applicable under Austrian law is often not recognised in other countries.

For the following vehicles, the report from the last ‘Pickerl inspection’ (Section 57a – Report) must always be carried in the vehicle:

  • Class M2 and M3 vehicles (buses with more than 8 seats in addition to the driver's seat)
  • Class N2 and N3 vehicles (HGVs over 3.5 tonnes maximum gross vehicle weight)
  • Class O3 and O4 vehicles (trailers over 3.5 tonnes maximum gross vehicle weight)
  • Tractors of vehicle class T5 on wheels and with a maximum design speed of over 40 km/h that are primarily used in commercial transport on public highways

Competent authority

An assessment centre authorised by the state governor (Landeshauptmann), for example:

  • Associations such as motorists' clubs (e.g. → ARBÖGerman Text, → ÖAMTCGerman Text)
  • Business establishments (e.g. garages)
  • Freelance civil engineers (Ziviltechniker)
  • Technical/engineering firms


The cleaned vehicle must be inspected at an assessment centre.

The vehicle will be checked for roadworthiness and operational safety. Each of the following elements of the vehicle are inspected:

  • equipment
  • lights
  • safety devices
  • chassis and bodywork
  • tyres and wheels
  • engine
  • brakes

In addition, the vehicle will be checked to ensure that it does not produce an excessive amount of noise, smoke, unpleasant odours or harmful air pollutants.

If the vehicle has severe deficiencies that must be corrected immediately, or is likely to pose a risk on the road, it must be repaired before being presented again for inspection. Only once the vehicle has no severe deficiencies can an inspection sticker (‘Pickerl’) be issued or put in place.

The ‘Pickerl’ is usually white.

Historic vehicles receive a red ‘Pickerl’ with the inscription ‘HISTORISCHES FAHRZEUG – HISTORIC VEHICLE’.

Required documents

  • Vehicle registration certificate
  • For vehicles with a maximum gross vehicle weight of over 3 500 kg and historic vehicles, an additional approval document is required, such as:
    • type-approval certificate
    • single approval
    • proof of registration
    • valid certificate of conformity
    • data extract from the approval database for vehicles with EC type-approval
    • vehicle approval document issued when the vehicle was last registered

For historic vehicles, conformity with the approval document and compliance with temporary traffic restrictions must be checked on the basis of logbook records or similar.

For vehicles equipped with a tachograph or control device, proof of the results of the previously performed inspection of the tachograph / control device must be provided.

If there are doubts as to whether the vehicle has received approval, proof of approval or the approval document may also be requested for vehicles with a maximum gross vehicle weight of less than 3500 kg.

Costs and fees

The costs vary depending on the assessment centre.

Further information

In certain cases, e.g. for vehicles that were first registered more than 12 years ago, the authorities may order a special inspection. Further information on the subject of ‘Special inspections – presentation for inspection ’Special Inspections – presentation for inspection’ can be found at

Further links

Legal basis

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 19 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology