Changing assigned sex

To which civil status authority do I have to submit my application for a gender change or correction?

General information

In the central civil status register, the births

  • of all Austrian nationals and
  • everyone born in Austria (irrespective of nationality)

are recorded, along with their sex. Living in Austria Convention refugees and persons whose relations with their home country have been severed for similarly serious reasons are also recorded if they have their residence or, in the absence of such, their usual place of residence in Austria, as well as stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality if they have their usual place of residence in Austria.


For those who have neither the Austrian nationality nor asylum status, the law of the country of their nationality (which may refer to Austrian law) usually applies for any change in civil status.

After the gender change or correction is approved, the data regarding the sex recorded is changed in the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR) and a new birth certificate can be issued upon request.


Transidentity ("transsexuality"; gender dysphoria; gender incongruence)

Transidentity means that a person is medically assigned to a gender, but feels incorrectly or inadequately described in this gender or rejects any form of gender assignment and categorisation. The psychological gender or gender identity therefore does not match the biological gender (VwGH vom 5.12.2024, 2023/01/0008-6).

Having undergone gender reassignment surgery or divorce is not a requirement for a change of sex in Austria.

According to the jurisprudence of the highest court in connection with transidentity an irreversible feeling of belonging to the other sex and a clear approximation to the external appearance of the other sex is required for a change of sex (VwGH 15.09.2009, 2008/06/0032, VwSlg 17746 A/2009). As a rule, this can only be sufficiently clarified by obtaining an expert opinion.

For more information, please contact the authority conducting the procedure.

report from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or clinical psychologist is required containing:

  • a statement that there is a sense of belonging to the opposite sex and that this is likely to be largely irreversible;
  • confirmation that a clear approximation of the external appearance of the opposite sex is in evidence.

Supreme court rulings have established that it is not possible to delete the gender entry without replacement (VwGH, 5.12.2024, 2023/01/0008-6).  For persons who do not feel that they belong to any gender category, there is therefore no possibility of a separate note or deletion of the gender entry.


We speak of intersexuality when it is medically uncertain whether a person should be classified as male or female due to atypical development of sex-differentiating characteristics (Statement of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery on Intersexuality and Transidentity).

The case-law of the Constitutional Court has established an additional sex category – intersexuality – that is biologically separate from male or female. Intersexual individuals have a right to their sex category (= so-called "3rd gender") being recorded in the civil status register (VfSlg 20258/2018).

The terms 'divers', 'inter', 'open' are available for recording the sex category. A deletion of the gender entry without replacement is not possible (VwGH of 5.12.2024, Zl 2023/01/0008-6).

The gender is usually determined for the first time by a doctor or midwife at birth. At the birth of a child, the following gender designations can be entered in addition to male and female: open, diverse or inter or no indication at all. Such an entry requires that it is not possible for the doctor or midwife to clearly assign the gender to male or female after the birth of the child.

According to the guidelines of the highest court jurisprudence, an application for the registration of an intersexual gender designation can be approved under the following condition:
Submission of an expert opinion stating that the sex of the applicant person cannot be assigned to either the male or the female sex on the basis of his/her chromosomal, anatomical and/or hormonal development.

Relevant body

Applications for a change or correction of gender must always be submitted to a civil status authority.

The civil status authorities are the following:

An appeal against a decision by the department responsible for civil status ('Standesamt', registry office) can be filed with the relevant Regional Adminstrative Court. This must be submitted within four weeks to the authority which issued the decision.

Other administrative processes

In the course of Change of sex a new, gender-specific first name can be adopted by changing the of name of adults or minors.


In Austria, foreign nationals can only change their name if they are stateless or of undetermined nationality and have their usual place of residence in Austria, or are refugees in accordance with the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees or persons whose relations with their home country have been severed for similarly serious reasons, if they have their residence or, in the absence thereof, their usual place of residence in Austria.

The registry office will subsequently issue on request a new birth certificate, which enables holders to apply for all other relevant documents to be reissued, such as:

Further links

Legal Basis

Sections 2, 41 Personenstandsgesetz (PStG 2013)

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 21 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior