Registration disclosure for private individuals and undertakings

General information

In order to locate another person, you may apply for a registration disclosure about a clearly identifiable person. Only people who can produce an order for execution against the requested person can request information about dates of birth.
There is the option of filing an application for non-disclosure of personal information. A legitimate interest must be demonstrated for this. Examples include those who can demonstrate legitimate concerns about retaliation or cases involving incognito adoptions. Where a non-disclosure of personal information is in place, no registration disclosure will be provided.


Both natural and legal persons can obtain information from the Central Population Register (ZMR) about registered individuals. In general, only information about the main place of residence is disclosed. If a requested person does not have a legitimate main place of residence, information is provided about their last main residence that was deregistered. However, information is not normally provided about additional residences (secondary residences).


The requested person must be identified as far as possible using specific data in order to prevent multiple disclosures occurring. The following data relating to the requested person is required as a minimum:

  • first name and surname;
  • one additional characteristic that could be used to uniquely identify the individual (e.g. date of birth, place of birth, nationality or previous address).


There are no specific deadlines.

Competent authority

The registration authority


You can request a registration disclosure in person, by post or over the internet.

You can apply for registration information informally in person, by post or online. An ID Austria or EU Login and an electronic payment option are required. Information on the changeover from mobile phone signature and citizen cards to ID AustriaGerman text. The requested information will be provided immediately after payment of the administrative levy. Please note: The administrative levy of 3.30 Euro (at the present time) must still be paid for enquiries that do not yield any clear search results.

Required documents

Official photo ID
In the case of written requests, you must enclose either the original version of the official document or a copy that has been certified by a notary or a court.

Costs and fees

For the application

For the disclosure

  • Federal administrative levy:
    • For requests for information from the local population register: 2.10 Euro
    • For requests for information from the Central Population Register (ZMR): 3.30 Euro


  • Enclosure fees (only applicable if enclosures are attached to the application):
    • Oral: free of charge or
    • Written application: 3.90 Euro per sheet up to a maximum of 21.80 Euro

Further information

Natural persons or companies (‘other persons entitled to submit requests’ as defined in Section 16a (5) of the Meldegesetz, e.g. chambers, banks, insurance companies, lawyers, debt collection agencies) which regularly require registration disclosures for the assertion or enforcement of rights or claims for commercial purposes have the possibility of gaining access to the Central Population Register (ZMR) for these purposes.

Further links

Access to the ZMR for other authorised users – ‘business partners‘ (→ BMI)German text

Legal basis

Expert information

There is no expert information available.

Link to form

Online Service "Registration disclosure" via

Authentication and signature

Means of redress or appeal

An appeal against a decision by the registration authority can be filed with the relevant Regional Administrative Court. This must be submitted within four weeks to the authority which issued the decision.

Assistance and problem-solving services

There are no assistance or problem-solving services.

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 21 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of the Interior