L17 – applying to carry out on-road training

General information

In addition to submitting a driving licence application, applicants may also apply to carry out on-road training (L17).


In general, these rules also apply to EU citizens in Austria.


L17 on-road training is only possible for licence category B.

On-road training may only be carried out in Austria. However, it is not restricted to certain roads or areas within Austria. The permit will apply for a maximum of 18 months, and only one permit will be granted per person. A maximum of two supervisors may be indicated on the permit.


For applicants:

For supervisors:

  • Category B driving licence held for at least seven years
  • Experience driving category B vehicles in the three years immediately preceding the date of the application
  • No history of offences subject to licence withdrawal, and no more than one relevant caution in the three years immediately preceding the date of the application
  • Close personal relationship with the applicant

Supervisors may not accept remuneration for their services.

Competent authority


In the case of State Police Departments, it is recommended to make an appointment online if you have to go to the authorities. It is absolutely necessary to make an appointment (electronically or by telephone) for personal appearances at the Vienna State Police Department.

The applicant must submit their application to their driving school (→ WKO).German Text The driving licence authority in whose jurisdiction the driving school is located will decide on whether to admit the application.

A list of driving licence authorities in Austria can be found hereGerman Text.


If the authority decides to grant permission, it will issue a permit. This will be sent to the applicant. Once they have received the permit, they may start on-road training. Detailed information about training vehicle set-up and supervised on-road training can also be found at oesterreich.gv.at.

Required documents

For supervisors:

  • Driving licence, where applicable 
  • Proof of at least 3 years’ driving experience with category B vehicles (immediately prior to the date of application), e.g.
    • Vehicle registration document
    • Confirmation from employer
  • Explanation of close personal relationship with the applicant
  • Where possible, confirmation of registration in the civil register (facilitates processing for the authority)
  • Where possible, confirmation from the driving school of completion of the theory lesson for on-road training

For applicants:

For the training vehicle:

  • Vehicle registration document
  • Where applicable, declaration of consent of the registration holder of the training vehicle if this is not the supervisor


It is also possible to use multiple vehicles as training vehicles.

Costs and fees

If no additional supplements are provided, the total fee is 35,10 Euro.

Legal basis

Link to form

Declaration of consent for on-road practice7training and driving testsGerman text

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 24 March 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology